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    Student Retention & Success SRS UC San Diego

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    A dedicated team of student-centered professionals that creates a culture of success for our diverse students through educational opportunities that are strengths based, invested in community building, and foster equitable educational experiences for students to leverage their life experiences and thrive at UC San Diego.


    UC San Diego students at graduation, celebrating in caps and gowns, photo by Erik Jepsen

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    Learn more about UC San Diego’s virtual initiative to affirm, congratulate and celebrate our First-Generation Tritons. #FirstGenUC #NewUCGrad #Classof2024

    Join Us

    Firstgen Graduate 2024

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    Our leaders are working closely with federal and state officials to ensure your ongoing safety at the university. Stay up to date with the latest developments.


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    Our Units

    Learn more about the the units and programs that fall under Student Retention & Success, and link to their websites.

    Find SRS Units

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    Our work is grounded in theory, professional standards, and the best practices promoted within our professional associations.

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    CASP 2024

    CASP 101 is a summer transition program required of all new CASP scholarship recipients.

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    UC San Diego - colorful text illustration - FIRST-GENERATION JOURNEYS, Thursday, April 11, 2024

    Learn more about the Triton Firsts initiative

    UC San Diego earns "First-Gen Forward Advisory Institution ".

    May 16, 2024

    Upward social mobility efforts earn campus designation as a "First-Gen Forward Advisory Institution"

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    Learn about student populations in need of extra support and how you can contribute to their success at UC San Diego.

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    Contribute to Success

    Make an online donation to support student success programming and services. You may direct your gift to a specific program.

    Give Now

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    Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor – Student Retention and Success
    Phone: (858) 534-3844
    Email: avcsrs@ucsd.edu
    Address: 9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0015 | La Jolla, CA 92093-0015

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